Westrock Rwanda Coffee

Premium ground coffee. From crop to cup. Rich & robust. Ethically sourced. Meet Farmer Partner, Ernest. When this coffee is grown - Coffee farmers like Ernest are able to truly thrive. An experienced coffee farmer of 27 years, Ernest's life changed when he began working with Westrock. This partnership means he is paid a fair price on time. The best coffee is always ethically sourced from crop to cup. When this coffee is brewed - This coffee captures the most desirable attributes of single origin Rwandan coffee. It showcases the rich flavor of smoky cedar and hints of blackcurrant. westrockcoffee.com. Share your (hashtag)coffeeofchoice. (at)westrockcoffee. Crafted and Roasted by: Westrock Coffee Company, LLC. 30 Collins Industrial Place, North Little Rock, AR 72113.

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