Orville Redenbachers Smart Pop! Popping Corn, Gourmet, Butter

100% whole grain. 94% fat free. Microwave. Natural & artificial flavorings. 0 g trans fat per serving. Smart Choices program. 120 calories per serving. About 2 servings per bag. The smarter snack choice! Orville followed his passion for popcorn and created SmartPop! 94% fat free gourmet popping corn. SmartPop! gives you the freedom to enjoy a smarter, healthier and more satisfying snack without giving up the delicious, fresh-popped taste and aroma you love! You'll like it better or my name isn't Orville Redenbacher. Diets rich in whole grain and other plant foods, and low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may help reduce the risk of heart disease. 40% of daily grains in 1 serving. USDA Daily Recommended Amounts: 6 oz equivalent grains. One serving contains 2-1/2 oz which is 40% daily amount. Weight Watchers Points = 2 (Weight Watchers and Points are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. The number of Points provided here was calculated by ConAgra Foods based on published Weight Watchers International, Inc. information and does not imply sponsorship or endorsement of such number of Points or of Orville Redenbacher's products by Weight Watchers International, Inc.). No added diacetyl butter flavorings.

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