Bel Vita Breakfast Biscuits, Dark Chocolate Creme 5 Ea

Naturally flavored. 15 g whole grain per 50 serving. Hours of nutritious steady energy. 4 hours of nutritious steady energy. Per Pack: 230 calories; 2.5 g sat fat (13% DV); 120 mg sodium (5% DV); 12 g sugars. Whole Grain: 15 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grains daily. belVita Sandwich with Dark Chocolate Creme Filling contains 15g whole grain per 50g serving. Nutrition experts recommend eating 48g or more of whole grains throughout the day. Enjoy belVita Breakfast Biscuits as part of a balanced breakfast with a serving of low fat dairy and fruit. A delicious start to a busy morning delivering. 4 hours of nutritious steady energy. BelVita sandwich, a delicious nutritious, convenient breakfast choice that contains slow-release carbs from wholesome grains to help fuel your body for 4 hours. 4 hours of nutritious steady energy. 12% daily value of fiber 9 g per serving. 15 g delicious whole grain per 50 g serving. No high fructose corn syrup. No partially hydrogenated oils. No artificial sweeteners. Check out the rest of the belVita family! To learn more, visit SmartLabel. Visit us at: or call weekdays: 1-800-622-4726. Please have package available. Keep It Going: 100% recycled paperboard. Please recycle this carton. Minimum 35% post-consumer content.

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