Yo Crunch Yogurt 4 Ea
1% milkfat. 130 calories per serving. Good source of calcium. Vitamins added. With other natural flavors. Vit A & D added. Great taste of vanilla yogurt. The satisfying taste of delicious Snickers Bar pieces with chocolate, caramel and peanuts. Good source of calcium & vitamin D. Great with a meal or as a snack on the go. Great yogurt, real fun! Join the fun at YoCrunch.com; Facebook.com/YoCrunchYogurt; Twitter.com/YoCrunch. Contains active yogurt cultures including L. acidophilus and bifidus. Our yogurt is made with milk from cows not treated with rBST (The FDA has said no significant difference has been shown and no test can now distinguish milk from rBST treated and untreated cows). Grade A.