Nylabone Durable Chic.Chew Med

Power Chew: Long lasting. Indulges instinct to chews. Engages & entertains. Flavor throughout. Veterinarian recommended. Safe, healthy chewing since 1955. Chewing is your dog's natural instinct. Power Chew: Designed for powerful chewers, this Nylabone chew toy can challenge even the most aggressive chewer! Flavor throughout, it keeps dogs busy, happy, and satisfied. It's important to select the proper size & type of chew for your dog's age, weight & chewing strength. Non-edible chews should be large enough to encourage chewing from the side rather than top and bottom. If you have more than one dog in your household, select chews appropriate for the largest, Strongest Chewer. Always supervise the use of all chews & toys. Product is not intended to be eaten or ingested. If you think your dog swallowed a piece, take the product away and contact your veterinarian. Inspect before giving to your dog to make sure it's whole and intact. Check frequently & replace if worn or damaged or if it becomes too small to chew safely. Hand wash with warm water & rinse thoroughly. Also Available from Nylabone. Puppy chew. Moderate chew. Strong chew. Dental chew. Satisfaction Guarantee: If dissatisfied return to Nylabone for replacement, please include sales receipt for refund. Central Garden & Pet: Production powered in part by sustainable. Solar energy. www.nylabone.com. USA made.

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