Purina Clumping Litter, Tidy Care, Multi Cat 24 Lb

Discover a litter your cat will love with Tidy Cats Tidy Care Comfort Scented Premium Clumping Cat Litter with Odor Control and Low Dust. This cat litter features smaller granules for a cat-preferred paw feel (vs. leading clumping litter) and a natural cat-selected scent for an enjoyable litterbox experience. With up to 14 days of odor control, this innovative kitty litter is a great example of how Tidy Cats is known for performance you can trust. Plus, this low dust cat litter pours quickly and cleanly into the litter box, virtually eliminating outside messes. Cleanup inside the litter box is easy, too, because this premium clumping cat litter odor control formula creates tight, easily scoopable clumps for quick removal. Offer your cat comfort in the litter box with Tidy Cats Tidy Care Comfort Scented Premium Clumping Cat Litter from Tidy Cats, the litter brand most recommended by veterinarians for everyday use.

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