Snuggle Fabric Conditioner, Fresh Spring Flowers, Sheets 80 Ea

6.4 x 9 in (16 x 23 cm). 30 days of freshness. Freshen. Soften. Control static. Help reduce wrinkles. For more information and latest Snuggle news visit or follow Snuggle on: Facebook; Twitter; Instagram. We'd love to hear from you! Snuggle Fabric Conditioner keeps your family's clothes snuggly soft, and fresh for 30 days! Snuggle Fabric Conditioner Sheets help reduce static cling! To experience the ultimate Snuggly Softness and freshness, also use Snuggle Ultra Liquid Fabric Conditioner in your wash. This package contains 80 uses as directed for regular loads. Settling may occur. For a full ingredient list, please visit us at or call 1-855-835-5786. 100% recycled paperboard minimum 35% post consumer content.

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