E.P.T Early Pregnancy Test, Digital 3 Ea

Over 99% accurate (over 99% accurate from the day of expected period at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels. Note that hormone levels vary. See leaflet. Instructions inside). Same science used by doctors. Test Early: 5 days before your missed period (Testing before missed period? The EPT Digital Pregnancy Test can be used up to 4 days before your expected period, which is 5 days sooner than waiting until you miss your period to test. For best results it is recommended you test the day of your expected period. Levels of the pregnancy hormone vary greatly, which makes testing earlier less reliable. If you test early and get a negative result, the distributor of EPT recommends retesting on the day of your expected period). Quick results in minutes! Easy-to-read digital. Facebook. Twitter. Questions? Call 800-378-1783, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST weekdays or visit us at errorprooftest.com. Instructions inside. Clinical Results with Early Pregnancy Samples: -1 days before expected period: 95% of pregnant women who got a pregnant result with EPT. -2 days before expected period: 90% of pregnant women who got a pregnant result with EPT. -3 of days before expected period: 82% of pregnant women who got a pregnant result with EPT. -4 days before expected period: 51% of pregnant women who got a pregnant result with EPT. Made in China.