Six Star Testosterone Booster, Caplets 60 Ea

Dietary supplement. Pro nutrition. 2.7 mg ginkgo extract. 100 mg boron citrate. Elite series from the makers of Muscletech research & development. From America's No. 1 selling body building supplement brand (MuscleTech is America's No. 1 selling body building supplement brand based on cumulative wholesale dollar sales 2001 to present). Study result: Increase active testosterone in just 7 days (Six Star Testosterone Booster is formulated with a precise dose of the mineral boron, which is shown in human clinical research to increase active (free) testosterone in just 7 days). Maintain peak testosterone to cortisol ratio (Six Star Testosterone Booster is also scientifically engineered with a unique, plant-based blend shown in a 7-week human clinical study to help maintain peak testosterone to cortisol ratio after an intense training regimen. Cortisol is a hormone released due to stress that can break down muscle tissue. Test subjects also enhanced performance as determined by a marker or training capacity). Enhance training performance^2. Results based on core ingredient testing. See back for study details. Not intended to treat low testosterone or sexual dysfunction. Six Star Testosterone Booster is manufactured according to cGMP standards, as is required for all dietary supplements. 20 years of excellence. Leader in Science: A portion of every dollar to more research. Guaranteed: banned substance free. cGMP manufactured. CMP manufactured. Manufactured according to cGMP standards, as is required for all dietary supplements. Six Star Testosterone Booster is Engineered for All Athletes: Six Star Testosterone Booster is from the makers of MuscleTech, America's no. 1 Selling Body Building Supplement Brand, so you know it's a powerful formula you can trust. Whether it's your first time at the gym or you're a seasoned vet, pro athlete or just trying to gain that extra edge in your sport everyone is an athlete, and every athlete needs to fuel their body with the best sports nutrition products available. Formulated with a key ingredient shown in a human clinical study to amplify your body's natural testosterone production within the normal range and including a blend of ingredients shown to improve athletic performance, Six Star Testosterone Booster is the formula you want to help boost testosterone production, and it's Engineered for All Male Athletes. Six Star Testosterone Booster is For: Active men; strength trainers; male athletes; fitness enthusiasts; body builders. Benefits of Six Star Testosterone Booster: Test Subjects: Stimulated free testosterone; enhanced training performance; maintained peak testosterone to cortisol ratio. For more info, recipes, tips and to join the conversation, visit Facebook: Like us. Twitter: (at)sixstarpro. Instagram: Sixstarpronutrition. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease). Made in the USA from international ingredients.