Halutza Olive Oil, Extra Virgin 17 Oz
All natural cold press. Acidity 0.8%. Organic. Grown, pressed & bottled in the Negev Desert, Halutza Highlands, Israel. USDA Organic. Organic Inspection & Certification. Israeli Olive Oil. Quality approved. Israeli Olives Board. 1 tbsp of Halutza Extra Virgin Olive Oil has 3.3 mg of tocopherols and 2.5 mg of polyphenols both antioxidants. This exceptional olive oil is from groves grown exclusive without the aid of chemical fertilizers pesticides or herbicides. The olive oil is cultivated in the fresh clean desert climate of the Halutza desert Highlands, the crossroad of the ancient Nabatean oil and spice route, modern drip irrigation technology, together with the rich untapped waters found deep beneath the desert floor, adds a unique flavor as rare as a desert bloom. Kosher for passover. Naturally cholesterol free. Product of Isreal.