Special K Snack Bar, Dark Chocolate Granola 5 Ea

Naturally & artificially flavored. 4 g protein. 4 g fiber. 3 g of total fat. 110 calories. Kellogg's Family Rewards: www.KFR.com. Special K Protein Granola Snack Bar - Good source of protein, 10% daily value or more per 40 g (1-1/2 bars). Start right - Snack right! Starting right and staying on track is simple with Special K. Whether you crave salty or sweet, delicious Special K snacks are packed with flavor, not calories. Visit: Kelloggs.com. Call: 1-800-962-1413. Exchange: 1 carbohydrate, 1/2 fat. The dietary exchanges are based on the Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes, copyright 2008 by American Dietetic Association and American Diabetes Association.

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