Quaker Granola Bars, Chocolate Strawberries Flavor 8 Ea

With cranberries. Naturally & artificially flavored. Quaker, est. 1877. Keep playing! With a free Nerf item. When you buy 3 specially-marked boxes of Quaker Chewy Bars! Plus $2.95 shipping & handling. Order online. See back for details. Per Bar: 100 calories; 1 g sat fat (4% DV); 70 mg sodium (3% DV); 8 g sugars. How to Redeem: 1. Buy three (3) specially-marked boxes of Quaker Chewy Granola Bars. 2. Enter the unique codes found inside each box at chewykeepingplaying.com and select your item. 3. Complete the online order form - must provide PayPal account for $2.95 shipping and handling costs. 4. Nerf item will be shipped in 4-6 weeks, while supplies last. Plus get the chance to win a makeover of your family's favorite place to play! Enter at chewykeepplaying.com. Questions or comments? Call 1-800-856-5781. Please have package available when calling. Visit us at www.quakeroats.com. 8 g whole grains. No high fructose corn syrup. Please recycle this carton.

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