Chock Full O'nuts Coffee, Ground, Original 33.9 Oz

New York's coffee since 1932. The heavenly coffee. We have only one grind - it makes perfect coffee. Automatic/percolator/drip. Original Blend is our signature coffee known by generations of New Yorkers as the Heavenly Coffee. A medium roast with a smooth, full bodied taste, just one sip of our distinctive Original blend brings you the flavor of New York, wherever you call home. Questions/Comments call 1-888-246-2598. Dear Customer, You're holding Chock Full O'Nuts. No, there are no nuts in here (it's a long story) - just the most flavorful, freshest beans we can buy. And then we slow roast them like we have since 1932 when we started out in Brooklyn. All to give you a rich, aromatic blend that brews into the boldest coffee you've ever put to your lips. The coffee that's fueled New York for generations. So, it's perfect to start your day - whenever your day starts, that is. Cordially, Your friends at Chock full o'Nuts. Try some of our other Great Varieties!: 1/2 Caffeine, 100% Colombian, French Roast, New York Roast.