Mori Nu Tofu, Firm 12.3 Oz

Mori-Nu Silken Firm Tofu. Morinaga No preservatives. Non-GMO. Gluten free. Fresh sealed. Premium soy protein. For entrees, salads & desserts. Low-fat, heart-healthy vegetable protein with soy isoflavones. Smooth, silken texture. Great alternative to meat, eggs, and dairy. Fresh-sealed package. No refrigeration required until opened. All natural. No preservatives. Guaranteed quality. Free recipes: send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Mori-Nu, P.O. Box 7969, Torrance, CA 90504 Each Mori-Nu box is a little tofu "factory". A blend of wholesome non-GMO soybeans, water, and natural coagulant is poured into each Mori-Nu package. Once hermetically sealed, the rich soymilk is transformed into smooth, silken tofu right inside the box. This award-winning package protects our tofu from the effects of light, air, and bacteria, and keeps Mori-Nu first-day fresh until opened. No preservatives. For more information on our patented process, recipe ideas, and tofu tips, visit

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