Weight Watchers Frozen Yogurt Bars, Greek, Blueberry Swirl 6 Ea

Low fat Greek frozen yogurt with blueberry revel. All natural flavors. Contains live & active cultures. 80 calories, 5 g protein, good source of calcium. 2 pointsplus value per bar. It's creamy at just 80 calories! It's nutritious with 5 grams of protein and is a good source of calcium! It's delicious with all natural fruit flavors! It's all the healthy things you love about Greek yogurt in a creamy Greek-style frozen treat! Like our Weight Watchers supermarket foods facebook page for special offers, news, recipes and more - facebook.com/weightwatcherssupermarketfoods. This product was prepared to fit the Weight Watchers program and is useful for weight control when used strictly in accordance with the Weight Watchers food plans.

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