Deep River Aged Cheddar Horseradish Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

Because we give a chip! Certified gluten-free. Made in a nut free facility. Nut free. Free of peanuts and tree nuts. Guaranteed fresh through best by date. Any questions call: 860-434-7347. Hold your horses. This chip's got a kick! Savory, sharp aged cheddar and zesty, aromatic horseradish combine for a taste so delicious it'll bring tears to your eyes. Did you shed tears of joy too? At DeepRiverSnacks: Facebook; Twitter; Instagram. No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Non-GMO ingredients. Gluten-free certified. Cooked exclusively with sunflower oil. Cholesterol free. We Give a Chip! The Chris Klug Foundation is working hard to help people who may need an organ transplant, like one of my sons. Please consider learning more about becoming a donor. - Jim Goldberg, Founder. Chris Klug Foundation. CKF is dedicated to promoting lifesaving organ & tissue donation and improving the quality of life for those touched by donation. Made in the USA.