Crowley Heavy Cream 946 Ml

36% milkfat. Ultra pasteurized. Celebrate life. Whatever your style. It's the little things that make life special. Savory dinners. A perfect dessert. Good times with family and friends. You treasure the good stuff, whatever you find it, however you choose. At Crowley, t hat's the way we look at it. Generations have trusted us for wholesome fresh cream that makes life a little tastier, a little more satisfying, a little more delicious. So go ahead, enjoy. Celebrate life, with Crowley. Processed and packaged at plant stamped on top. Grade A. Celebrate life. Whatever your style. It's the little things that make life special. Savory dinners. A perfect dessert. Good times with family and friends. You treasure the good stuff, wherever you find it, however you choose. At Crowley, that's the way we look at it. Generations have trusted us for wholesome fresh cream that makes life a little tastier, a little more satisfying , a little more delicious. So go ahead, enjoy. Celebrate life, with Crowley.

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