Red Schooner Red Wine, Voyage 10 750 ml
Red wine of the world. Beautiful Argentina is legendary for the production of fine Malbec wine. Inspire to create Red Schooner, we designed an efficient method to ship grapes over ocean waters while retaining their precious qualities. We pinpoint high-caliber vineyards - bathed in the intense mountain sunlight of Mendoza - then harvest and chill the fruit, transporting our valuable cargo by sea voyage to Caymus Vineyards. The fruit arrives in excellent condition, looking as though it has just been harvested. We use great care to extract deep color and rich tannins through a slow and delicate fermentation. The wine is then aged 15 months in French oak barrels (40% new); this bottling occurred in September 2021. Each annual release of Red Schooner will be a designated sequential voyage - this bottling is: Red Schooner. Voyage 10.