Franciscan Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine 750ml 750 Ml
Franciscan Estate Cabernet Sauvignon is a rich, full-bodied red wine with soft tannins and a smooth finish. Made using California grapes, this wine features the dark fruit character of jam, blackberry and plum with hints of oak, caramel and vanilla. Enjoy this Cabernet Sauvignon on its own or in a wine cocktail. It makes the perfect pairing with foods like lamb, ribeye, pork chops and gourmet burgers. Franciscan Estate Cabernet Sauvignon is great for a variety of occasions, whether you're entertaining friends and family or you need a wine gift to take to a dinner party. Each wine bottle has 14.2% alcohol by volume. Franciscan is known for our traditionally crafted wines with a modern taste. Our portfolio of wines is bold, smooth, and flavorful, reflecting our winemaking philosophy of letting “the fruit speak for itself.” In addition to Cabernet Sauvignon, Franciscan Estates wine is also available in Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and other varieties.