Clos Du Bois Buttery Chardonnay White Wine 750ml 750 Ml
Long live enjoying life to the last drop with Clos du Bois Buttery Chardonnay. Rich in flavor with a creamy texture, this Chardonnay wine displays aromas of spiced pear and pineapple complemented by hints of vanilla and toasted oak. Enjoy drinking this white wine chilled in a glass by itself, in a wine cocktail, or paired with foods like vegetable risotto, grilled lemon chicken or pan-seared salmon. Great for a variety of occasions, this wine is the perfect choice for serving at a dinner party, sipping at Sunday brunch or giving as a wine gift for a birthday or anniversary. Each 750 mL bottle contains about 5 glasses of wine with 14.7% alcohol by volume. Made using California grapes and decades of winemaking expertise, Clos du Bois wine delivers a great taste that never goes out of style.