Johnnie Walker Scotch Whiskey 750 Ml
Johnnie Walker Swing is an exceptionally smooth premium whiskey. Created in the early part of the twentieth century by Sir Alexander Walker, world famous whiskey master blender and connoisseur. Inspired by the golden age of transatlantic travel, Sir Alexander's creation captured the essence of luxury travel and is a lasting tribute to the sophistication of the 30's era. Still enjoyed by the most discerning whiskey connoisseurs, Swing is a well balanced and especially luxurious whiskey. With a rich golden colour, smooth palate, mellow taste and silky finish Swing is a masterpiece of blending experience. The Swing decanter is also a hallmark of Sir Alexander's creativity. Swing is presented in a uniquely shaped bottle that was designed to combat the problem of rough seas and shelf balance that barmen endured. With a convex base the decanter elegantly rocks back and forth in time with the rocking motion of the waves. Swing has been enjoyed since its creation by generations of whiskey drinkers who have discovered its uniquely smooth and mellow taste. Its enduring appeal is testament to the belief that true quality and elegance are timeless. Drink responsibly. Distilled, blended & bottled in Scotland.