Entenmann's Little Bites Chocolate Chip Muffins 15 Ct 24.75 Oz

Per 1 Pouch Serving: 190 calories; 2.5 g sat fat (13% DV); 140 mg sodium (6% DV); 17 g sugars. TerraCycle: Turn trash to cash (Earn $.02 per donated pouch for the school or charity of your choice)! See side panel for details. 0 g trans fat. No high fructose corn syrup. Made with real chocolate. Turn used snack pouches into money for your school. These pouches can be recycled! 1. Visit www.Entenmanns.com to find out more about starting your brigade. 2. Save your inner snack pouch. 3. Mail your inner snack pouch. 4. Get cash for your school. Everyone's got a favorite! Like us on Facebook. FB.com/Entenmanns. While you're there, find out how you can win prizes & coupons and learn more about your favorite products! And tell us yours. Bakery Confectionery: Union made - BCTGM. Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers. AFL-CIO CLC. We are committed to providing you with quality products and welcome your questions and comments. Call 1-800-984-0989, Consumer Relations Department. When writing, please include the proof-of-purchase (bar code) and stamped date code. For more information visit us at: www.Entenmanns.com. Please recycle. Please recycle this carton when possible. Recycling facilities for this carton may not be available in your area.

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